Rabu, 02 April 2014

Remember Me? + The ORC

hellllllooooooooooooooo. my how i have missed you, friends. it is not even the slightest exaggeration to say that my life is not the same without you. i mean, there's this presh little baby angel:

but there's not you. i can't promise to be here everyday, but i will be more present in general. and, you know, there will be occasional baby photos so it all evens out.

let's just get right to it, shall we? first, a bit of housekeeping. i got ambitious and decided that updating the look of BIA would get me all amped to blog again. not so. t'was a bit of a headache and i still haven't perfected all the bits and pieces so please try your very bestest not to judge. i'm sure i'll have it in working order by this time next year.

do notice that my new header is hella awesome (thank you, casey!!!!!) and may or may not remind you of a certain someone's brass fetish. i'm not saying that i have a problem....but others like to remind me that i do. for now, you can shop some of that goodness here so i can continue to buy without reaching hoarder status.

we can all thank linda for getting my arse back to blogging as i have the great great honor of participating in this round of the ORC. woop! i have followed this deeeelicious challenge since the very first round, so i am quite elated to be a player this time. (did you know that you can do it, too?)

while i thought i would finally address our master bedroom for the challenge, i've decided to tackle the office instead. and when i say office, i mean glorified storage room for brass shop inventory. this space has been neglected from day one (which was roughly two years ago). actually, i had it cleared and decorated-ish, but then we found out we needed a nursery so the overwhelm returned. i really just need this room organized and pleasant to be in. it is currently neither of these things. at the risk of scaring you all away immediately, here's what we're dealing with:

ummmmmm.....brace yourselves.

i know. so embarrassing. but i have a plan!
several to choose from, actually, which we shall discuss next week.

now let's go see where these fine peeps are starting out:

-  o x o x  -

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