Rabu, 23 April 2014

One Room Challenge // Week 4

week four. over halfway there, kids. so...this is the week that i suspect most of us start to feel the crunch. i'm a little stressed and i'm not even attempting anything all that ambitious compared to some of these rock stars (that includes you, linker uppers).

let's see what we've accomplished this week...
(quasi apologies for taking photos right before sundown. i mean, no one really wants to share good photos until the final reveal so i care but don't care. this is not how i intend to show the real deal.)

closet doors got a sassy new coat of black paint.

they haven't been rehung because i'm not finished painting inside.

at first, i thought i wanted to paint the back of the room door black as well.
but i've reconsidered. i think it might weigh that corner down too much.

the rug is in and i'm obsessed.

persian rugs foreva!!!

i took the hardware off the burl dresser for another round of cleaning.
it wasn't 100% and that drove me nuts. fingers crossed they don't require paint.
painting brass is like killing kittens. it's very sad. you don't do it.

i like the gumball machine. excited to show you what color i settled on!

sorrynotsorry for the blurry pic.
definitely need to get the art situation figured out quickly.
consulting my inspiration on the regular to keep myself in check. edit edit edit.

ordered samples of each of these for drawer liners.
because details, y'all. details.

the other side of the room leaves a bit to be desired.
i'm still debating whether i want drapes. maybe sheers just to soften the windows?
why are window treatments so difficult?
the brass and lucite table from week 2 is an excellent printer perch next to the desk.

i'm all over the cork board situation, but will find another and hang them vertically for scale.
and for maximum inspiration in my face at all times.

my trusty assistant agrees.
he literally tried to be in every picture.
not sure the parsons chair or ficus will stay. perhaps one, but probably not both.

all in all, we're coming right along.
there has been much progress on the elimination of paper piles, so i am pleased.
now to get everything filed and stored away in a painted closet and lined drawers...

next week we'll talk finishing touches!
 and probably last minute additions that i am out of my mind to consider.

what are our other ORC friends up to this week?

-  o x o x  -

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