Rabu, 16 April 2014

One Room Challenge // Week 3

soooo....welcome back to pure chaos, also known as week 3 of the one room challenge. you guys have been so supportive up to this point -- huge thank you!!! if you're here to see progress -- and i suspect you are -- your socks will remain intact this week. i've accomplished several things, but they're not impressive as major room transformations go. i don't need to make excuses, but i blame baby and an (incredible) out of town wedding over the weekend.

somehow still made progress, so WINNING.


- removed all dresser hardware and cleaned it up. brillo pad and barkeepers friend to the rescue! (also, i'm kind of a liar. my loving husband did this while i put ze bebe to bed two consecutive nights.)

 to this:
shameless plug: 
look at all of that delicious soon-to-be shop inventory!!

- removed existing dresser drawer liners and wiped all drawers down. discovered bank statements from 1987.

- removed closet doors and emptied closet for reorganization and painting. (yes, this deserves its own bullet.)

- emptied and photographed armoire to be sold. still waiting to remove it from the room...

- reconfigured layout.

- solved for new office chair solution. will use one of the brass milo baughman dining chairs and list the old (but virtually new) white leather one on craigs.

- actually started using my desk again!

hopefuls by next wednesday:

- paint closet. possibly add shelving. (don't tell the husband he will be helping again next week.)

- paint room and closet doors and rehang.

- remove armoire.

- reattach all dresser hardware.

- bring in rug for a dose of color. 

(vintage persian formerly in the family room)

- paint gumball machine.
yessir. i'm going there.

 i should have it brass dipped.

the week ahead is going to be full of MAJOR progress. can't wait to get to it!
aaaand now we see what the others are up to this week.

-  o x o x  -

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