Senin, 24 September 2012

monday blues // 03

I have been giving some serious thought to painted ceilings. If I could just settle once and for all on white vs color for the first floor of the house, this will definitely be up for consideration! Even if we decide against it for the main rooms, I'm thinking it's still a winner for the powder room. I mean, we all know that a splash of color goes a long way, hmm?

I've also been thinking about this blogging thing since Jenny's post last week. I've known for awhile that blogging satisfaction is going to come from being willing to talk about things a little closer to home. What I haven't been so sure of is whether any of that will be interesting to you guys. I was still a little nervous about it when I thought it time to come back to blogland. But I've decided that it's high time I get a little more personal around here, which may not always mean gorgeous photos or regular posting...but hopefully still entertaining and enriching content. And you can always check me out on Pinterest if you need to feed the visual slut in you. Lord knows I won't be slowing down there anytime soon :)

Happy Monday! ox

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