Selasa, 25 September 2012

anniversaries and exhibitions

Over the weekend, Eric and I took some time to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. We tossed around several ideas reminiscent of our first few months together including going on our first date again (dinner at a brewhouse and a few games of pool), signing up for dance lessons (we already mastered butchered Tango), or ordering in from the mexican restaurant that catered our wedding accompanied by a friendly little Scrabble competition (which we used to play quite a bit). In the end, we decided to attend the Plug Projects opening on Friday then head to dinner at one of our favorite downtown eateries, Westside Local. Sunday we planted an Endless Summer Hydrangea in the backyard and a baby pine tree in the front. I can't wait to watch both of them grow throughout the years in our house!

I was able to snap a few pictures of the spectacular exhibition opening for BREATHE: The Emergent Colony, but none of them came out quite as well as those from the crew themselves. You really can't grasp how glorious it is in that space without seeing it for yourself! The exhibition is up through November 3rd.

images via Plug Projects

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