Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

One Room Challenge // Week 4

I feel like today's post should be titled "nothing to see here." Which I know is not a solid way to start a post, but it's kind of the truth. If you're just joining us, you might want to peruse week 1, week 2 and week 3 for a thorough history of where we've been with my master bedroom redo.

For me, week 4 tends to be when things start to fall into place (but you can't show things in place because it gives it all away). It's also the week that you start to freak out over the ambitious list of things you haven't tackled yet (or recently ordered and must now pray for their timely arrival).

There's a term for the latter...It's...Wait...Oh, right. Procrastination.

Which should have been my middle name. But I guess Gwendelyn sounded better.

What do I actually have for you this week? Well, most of the furniture is in place. This ensures that the room is good and lived in before you see it. Because I like these challenges best when it looks like someone could actually use the room.

Outstanding elements from last week:

I considered a LOT of fabrics for the bench at the end of the bed. Animal print definitely reigned supreme with its timelessness and ability to act as a solid. Can't wait to get my final choice! Can you guess which one I went with?

I had a lot of black lighting options to choose from as well.

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Truthfully, this one had me a little deflated as my favorites were well out of my budget. Reader to the rescue! Thank you, Anonymous (words no blogger ever expects to say), for your suggestion! I had to order them in white, which I'll give a chance just for fun. But they're probably getting painted matte black as discussed last week.

Art has been another slow process for me. Most of my choices are getting vetoed by the other party that shares this room. I want both of us to love what we wake up to every morning, so this may just be a matter of rearranging pieces we already have in the house in the interest of meeting the 6 week deadline. Verdict is still out.

I mentioned last week that I was narrowing hardware choices to customize our sleek new white Malm dresser. Well it's now been selected but I'm still not revealing the final choice just yet. If you follow on Instagram, you'll probably get a sneak peek because I'm guessing that I won't be able to contain myself when that box finally arrives! Here are a few of my faves, which you've likely seen ad nauseum on Pinterest. But they're just that good.

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Tough decision, right? I basically had to close my eyes and point.

And now it's time for the best part of my day!
Who's doing a better job of procrastinating than me?

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