Selasa, 05 November 2013

On My Bookshelf // Tom Scheerer Decorates

So this book got quite a bit of coverage when it came out a couple of months ago.
I'm finally offering my ten cents.

There was a lot of fuss about the hidden cover under the book jacket.
That's because dayyyyyyyyyum, she purty.

Coincidentally, so is every. single. page between those covers.

Now I have to admit that I was already a big, big fan of Mr. Scheerer so I may be a little biased. What I've always loved about his work is that he seems to be able to blend traditional and modern so seamlessly. That's not always easy to do! He also uses an abundance of natural materials, adding a lot of depth to his spaces.

Right? His spaces feel classic, fresh and perfectly understated.
Unfussy and painfully beautiful.

The book is written by Mimi Read, who does a fabulous job of capturing the essence of Scheerer. I mean, I don't know the man, but I certainly feel like I do thanks to her. I love hearing what inspires such talented people...getting their stories...seeing how they design their own homes.

I've revisited a dozen times or better since it's arrival.
If you haven't done so already, this one is worth picking up.

Disclaimer: Vendome Press provided a copy of Tom Scheerer Decorates for my review. All opinions are my own.

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