Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Loving Lately // Caitlin Wilson Textiles

Ava at 8 weeks

Happy Monday! Everyone ready for a new week? To be honest, maternity leave has the days blending together a little bit and I can't say that I mind. Things have just continued to get better and better since about week five (not gonna lie - it was pretty rocky until that point!). At nine weeks with our little Ava, I don't know that I'd say we've established a routine per say, but we're certainly starting to figure each other out and that's -- well, pretty awesome.

I've learned to embrace the fact that life right now is all about Ava. Before she arrived, I had a mile long list of things I wanted to accomplish in the six months of leave I've been blessed with. I think those first several weeks were difficult for a number of reasons, but they were especially hard for a chronic overachiever and workaholic. While I still have a fair amount of goals and obligations at any given time, I'm making sure to soak up hours of simply holding ze babe while she sleeps (listening to her precious sounds and watching her little eyelashes flutter makes this preeeeeeeetty easy), going on long afternoon walks together, reading stories, and lying around under brightly colored plush toys while describing them over and over again ("Is the elephant blue? There are one...two...three ladybugs. Can you say 'brass'?). Finding balance has and, I'm sure, will continue to be tough. But I don't get these months back, so I'm doing my best to remain focused on this little person as much as possible. Giving myself permission to just BE has been incredibly liberating.

with Ava at 8 weeks

Being home has also given me a chance to actually make some progress on the house, which I'm doubly grateful for. I'm one of those people that will probably never be done (what fun would that be??), but I'm hoping to have at least our main floor presentable by the time I'm back to work in February.

It's sort of hilarious that the nursery is one of the more finished spaces after nearly two years in the house. Can you say deadline driven? ha! I recently secured the finishing touch to Ava's room; I'm working with Caitlin Wilson Textiles on a beautiful collaboration (so, again, nursery pics are definitely coming!). When we started our talks, I couldn't help but fall in love with their fall line of metallic fabrics and pillows. I think all of my fellow gold/brass addicts will have to agree on this one! They have a beautiful lookbook that makes the new line especially lust worthy.

Shop the fall collection here.
Happy Monday!

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