Jumat, 12 April 2013

Artist // Yulia Brodskaya (and random Friday thoughts)

You guys. It's Friday. Which is great, except how did that happen?? I feel like my days are down to 7.5 hours with so many more things to accomplish than is humanly possible. Eric and I had dinner with good friends last night and since they're expecting their second babe any day now (!!!!), they had lots of baby advice to share. Which I'm soaking up like a dry sponge.

They asked so many questions about how we felt about this or are we going to do that, and I was so embarrassed by how many times E and I just looked at each other with blanks. WHO'S NOT READY? These kids! We went straight home (okay okay we stopped for ice cream first) and talked about all the baby related things that need to get done/learned before Baby Reed arrives.

But, selfishly, what about all of the nonbaby things that I thought I'd do before our little one enters this world? What about the things I want for myself and ambitiously thought I could have in place? I know that these things work themselves out and that priorities are bound to change once Baby hits our arms, but MAN if I don't want so many things for ME first.

Am I a horrible person? Everyone goes through this, right? And I KNOW that my life isn't over in any way shape or form, but it is a hard truth that Baby's needs will always come first after this. Dreams I had for myself may be put on hold or fall to the wayside completely. Clearly, I'm still processing that.

Be sure that I am immeasurably grateful and excited for this gift due to arrive in mere months. In so many ways, I look forward to this unknown and how life-changing it will be. Curious -- if those of you that are mommies care to share -- how do you balance? Do you kind of inherently know where to draw the lines for yourself?

* And, oops, none of this has anything to do with the gorgeous paper craft genius that is Yulia Brodskaya. Until you read her artist declaration about the limitations of the medium and how it's forced her to experiment and embrace what can and cannot be accomplished within those boundaries. Quite poignant and more than relevant if you think about it.

If you're still reading, thanks for entertaining my ramblings.
Happy Friday! ox

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