Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

because it's awesome is one

one year old. sounds like such a long time and so short all at once. either way, it's been a pleasure. i was just saying to a friend the other day that i swing wildly between building a business plan and attempting to monetize BIA, and simply relishing in it as this place that i truly enjoy being. this place where others share the same interests and passion and excitement for design, but without the pressure of a paycheck or of even talking about anything except what we really just want to talk about. i've spent so much of my life trying to be what i think others want me to be. it's unbelievably refreshing to be exactly who i am in this space. thank you for making that so easy!

 artwork by wasted rita, found via strataflora

i hope that, just as it has over the last year, because it's awesome continues to evolve. whereas this past year has been very much about collecting and anticipating, i expect this year to be largely about doing. i'm excited to find out where it might go, and what wonderful opportunities and relationships might come of it. i'm enormously grateful for the opportunities and relationships it's presented thus far! i'm excited to share more of myself here in the future, whether it be my home or my work, or a number of other topics i've toyed with presenting.

i could go on (and i have several times only to delete it all), but i don't think i need to. thank you for stopping by when you do, for joining the conversation and for being you. none of this would be any fun without you.

wear it proudly, kids. ox

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