Senin, 22 April 2013

Monday Blues // 32

Happy Monday, kids!

If you were following me over the weekend, you might have seen that I did some serious plant shopping for the patio. Normally I wouldn't go so early in the season because we're still getting freezing overnight temps every once in awhile, but the Home Depot Patio Challenge waits for no one! Which is fine with me as long as I don't end up replacing too many of them...I can't wait to show you how things have turned out!

I'm not gonna lie, my momma and I had some serious fun picking out pretties. My dad even stopped by to keep us company while we got things potted. Just a regular family weekend around here.

Poor Eric was out slaving in the yard.
But it looks AMAZING, so it's worth it.
At least to me, who does a lot less labor in the yard....Soooorry :)

There was some solid fire pit time to reward everyone for their efforts.
Even if the fire itself was miniature.

How was everyone else's weekend? Anything exciting happening??

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