Kamis, 08 November 2012

Interiors // Matchbook Magazine

You guys, I am exhausted. And am rocking a head cold that won't quit (damn airplanes...). So I must keep it short today. If you didn't know, November's issue of Matchbook was reeeally quite good. I recommend you take a peep.

Loved the colorful, quirky Savannah home of Robyn Mizrach McClelland the mostest.

 images via Matchbook Magazine

My girl, Meg, also has a pretty stellar little guest editor roundup not to be missed. She has killer taste.

I am still a little hung over* from our joyous San Fran/Napa getaway and birthday fun yesterday, so thanks for your patience if I owe you an email. I'll recap soon. Many thanks, too, for the sweet birthday wishes. I'm planning on making this my best year yet! ox

*Fun hangover, not beverage hangover. Although, I'd be lying if I said I didn't put up with the beverage kind at all...we were in wine country, you know.

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